
Showing posts from April, 2020

Pretty baby girl names that start with L

Below we've collected almost 200 unique names for your baby girl. Finding pretty baby girl names that start with L are not hard to find; the list with name ideas that follows, proves this easily. Beginning with Lachelle, and ending with Lynsey, this list contains many examples of creative baby name choices. There is a reason behind your search for names starting with L , the sound of names beginning with that letter is pleasant, soft, and appropriate for a baby girl. Have fun with the following list. If you're on Reddit, you could join our subreddit as well: Pretty baby girl names starting with L Lachelle Lacie Lacy Ladonna Lael Lai Laine Lakeesha Lakendra Lakesha Lakia Lakisha Lala Lan Lane Lanelle Lang Lanie Lannie Laquanda Lara Laraine Larhonda Larissa Laronda Larry Lasandra Lashandra Lashaunda Lashawna Lashay Lashon Lashunda Latanya Latasha Latesha Laticia Latisha Latonya Latosha Latoyia...

Uncommon baby girl names that begin with K

We've assembled over 100 uncommon baby girl names that begin with K for you and we hope that you can find a good name either through the following list or by browsing our website some more. In the US American language room, most "K" sounds actually begin with a "C", like cat, crying, cozy, etc. The names beginning with K are mostly European sounding ones, with a few odd additions of course from all over the world. Enjoy the following collection of uncommon baby names beginning with K. Uncommon baby girl names starting with K Kacey Kacie Kai Kaitlin Kala Kaley Kallie Kam Kami Kandace Kandice Kandra Kanesha Kara Kareen Karena Kari Karima Karina Karisa Karl Karleen Karly Karma Karol Karoline Karon Karri Karry Karyl Kasandra Kasha Kasie Kassie Katelin Katelynn Kathaleen Katharine Kathe Katherin Katherine Katheryn Kathi Kathleen Kathline Kathrin Kathryn Kathy Kati Katie Katlyn Katrina Katy Kayce Kaye Kay...

Powerful baby girl names starting with J

Whether it's Jacklyn, Jaime, Jeraldine, or even Joy and Justina, these names stick with you. The letter J seems to be a strong letter for a strong name. Powerful baby girl names starting with J are definitely available in huge numbers, just scroll through the list below, and you'll find a lot of names that begin with J that you probably have never seen before. We're curious: what are your favorite names so far? Have you thought about other starting letters for the name? How did you find your current favorites? What brings you to the search engines and looking for inspiration? We'll try to continue to be a reliable source of unique baby name ideas . If you want to reach out and connect with us, you can find us on Twitter and Pinterest and other social media platforms. Powerful baby girl names that start with J Ja Jacelyn Jacinta Jackeline Jacki Jacklyn Jaclyn Jacque Jacqueline Jacquelyne Jacquetta Jacquie Jacquline Jada Jadwiga Jaime Jaimie Jalisa ...

Good baby girl names that begin with I

I may seem like a "problematic" first letter for a good baby girl name but as you'll see there a plenty of possibilities. One of the downsides of choosing a name that begins with "I" is that it may be confused with the letter "J" or sometimes even "L". Among the US American population , girl names that begin with I seem to be rare, at least compared to popular first letters like "A", "D", "E", or "S". The following list contains dozens of unique names for your baby girls, all starting with I. You can easily find alternatives, though, and one of the reasons for choosing such a name is the general brevity of most names beginning with I. Ida, Inez, Isis: those are really short and very pretty names, although they contain 2 syllables. It's a practical choice, at least, but as you can see below there are more reasons to go with an "I" name. Good baby girl names starting with I Ida Idell...

Pretty baby girl names that start with H

Imagine having a baby and not having a name for it. It's just not possible. At some point in time, preferably before the actual event of the birth of your baby girl, you'll have to settle for a name. Pretty baby names starting with H are relatively rare because names with the letter H are generally not too common. But besides all the Hannahs, Helgas, and Hollys, there are many more names to explore. We've compiled a handy list of baby names for that purpose and we hope that you'll find what you're looking for below. If not, and that's totally okay, you can always continue your search on our blog and go through the other lists to get some baby name ideas. If all efforts seem fruitless and if you really just can't decide on a name with your partner, you can try this app and make searching much easier (but also more random). Pretty girl names beginning with H Ha Hailey Halina Hallie Hana Hanh Hannah Harmony Harriet Harriette Hattie Hayley H...

Perfect baby girl names beginning with G

You are looking for the perfect name for your baby girl? You've come to the right place. We have all the names beginning with G. Relax, sit back, take your time, and go through the following list of baby girl names starting with G. We hope that you find what you're looking for. And if you aren't satisfied with the names listed below, you can either browse our site some more (we have thousands of names), or you can try out a name generator. A tool like that will give you virtually unlimited suggestions, although those names are not necessarily sorted by the letters in the alphabet. So, finally, let's get to it right now :) Perfect baby girl names that start with G Gabriela Gabriella Gail Gale Garnet Gary Gaye Gayle Gaynell Gearldine Gemma Gene Geneva Genevieve Genia Genna Genny Georgann Georgeann Georgene Georgette Georgiana Georgianna Georgie Georgine Geraldine Gerda Germaine Gerry Gertie Gertrude Gertude Gia Gidget Gilberte Gi...

Cool baby girl names starting with F

It seems as if every parent is looking for cool baby names instead of just finding the right name. There are dozens of cool names for baby girls to choose from, the list below contains most of them. Feel free to browse our blog for more name ideas. If you're feeling unlucky with your task of choosing a baby name, you can always use an app for that purpose. We found one here: Please take your time while going over the following list of baby names . Your child will thank you for taking this seriously. And, to be honest, the names starting with F are among the most beautiful ones. Cool baby girl names that begin with F Fae Faith Fannie Farah Fatima Faustina Fawn Faye Felecia Felice Felicidad Felicitas Felisa Fermina Fernanda Ferne Fidelia Fiona Fleta Flor Florance Florencia Florentina Floria Florinda Florrie Floy Fran Francene Francesca Francie Francine Francisca Francoise Frankie Fred Fredda Fre...

Cute baby girl names that begin with E

We've covered all the letters in the alphabet and this post is all about cute baby girl names that start with E. You'll see that there are many more names possible with the letter E. It's not all Elizabeth here, Eliza there, and Elsa in-between. Finding a cute name for your baby girl is a fun journey and it's better to go prepared. The following list of baby names might inspire you or tell you where to look next, maybe another starting letter, or just another direction in your quest for the cutest name. Make time to really read the following list from top to bottom, the names available with E might just surprise you. Positively, of course. And if you're stuck and don't seem to find another idea for a good baby name, try a name generator made for this purpose: Sweet baby girl names starting with E Earlean Earlene Earline Eartha Eboni Ebony Eda Eddie Eden Edith Edra Edward Edyth Effie Eileen Ela Elaina Elana ...

Rare baby girl names beginning with D

Find rare baby girl names in the list below. Starting with D, and with lots of variety, let's get into it right away. What made you think that a baby girl's name beginning with D might be a good choice? There are good reasons to dive right into the list we created for you. Just relax and swipe down the list until you find a beautiful baby name. Be sure to do this with your loving partner, so that you can think it over together , and really talk about the choice of your baby's name. A happy baby has a happy name. Well, that might be true, but it might be bollocks. You'll find a rare baby girl name, even if it doesn't start with the letter D in the alphabet. But, for now, we'll concentrate on the list of baby names beginning with D. Those are female baby names but some may be used for baby boys as well. Really rare baby girl names starting with D Dagmar Dahlia Daine Daisy Dale Dalia Dallas Dan Danae Danette Dania Daniel Daniele Daniella Danik...

Unique baby girl names that start with C

Most parents don't realize how many unique baby girl names exist with the first letter C. There are literally hundreds of names possible, the following list can guide you through it and serve as a starting point for your search for a good baby name. Of course, the amount of variations and names sounding similar is pretty huge, but you can always add something special to it, maybe by adding a middle name or at least initials. Unique baby names beginning with C can be viewed below; please make sure to take your time to evaluate all the names equally. If you're unsure about a name for your baby girl, just add it to your list and talk it over with your partner! Unique baby girl names starting with C Caitlin Calandra Callie Camellia Cami Camila Camille Cammy Candance Candi Candida Candis Candy Caprice Caren Cari Carie Carina Carissa Carl Carlee Carlena Carletta Carli Carline Carlos Carlotta Carlyn Carman Carmela Carmelina Carmella Carmina Carol...

Unusual baby girl names starting with B

Not all names are equal and the really unusual baby names that start with B may be hard to find without a proper list. Especially for baby girl names since the variation is sometimes more limited with female names. The following list of unusual baby girl names will help you find the cutest name imaginable, just try it. If you're smart (and I bet you are), you'll get your baby name ideas from a site like this or you use a baby name generator . Yes, these things do actually exist, and they'll make your life much easier. Searching for a good baby name can be exhausting. Just ask your own parents how they settled for your name. Chances are, it's a long story ;-) Baby girl names that start with B Babara Babette Bailey Bambi Bao Barabara Barb Barbar Barbara Barbera Barbie Barbra Bari Barrie Basilia Bea Beata Beatrice Beatris Beatriz Beaulah Bebe Becki Beckie Becky Bee Belen Belia Belinda Belkis Bell Bella Belle Belva Benita Bennie Ber...

Uncommon baby girl names that start with A

Finding an uncommon name for your baby girl can be tough. The following list contains more than 300 unique names for you to choose from. There are many names that you've never heard of, guaranteed! It's a good idea to look for memorable baby names and to take your time with it. You don't want to rush an important decision like this, do you? So, here you go, a list with loads of uncommon baby girl names starting with the letter 'A'. PS: Instead of searching for a name for your baby, you can generate a baby name . Female baby names starting with A Aaron Abbey Abbie Abby Abigail Ada Adah Adaline Adam Addie Adela Adelaida Adelaide Adele Adelia Adelina Adeline Adell Adella Adelle Adena Adina Adria Adrian Adriana Adriane Adrianna Adrianne Adrien Adriene Adrienne Afton Agatha Agnes Agnus Agripina Agueda Agustina Ai Aida Aide Aiko Aileen Ailene Aimee Aisha Aja Akiko Akilah Alaina Alaine Alana Alane Alanna Alayna ...