Uncommon baby girl names that begin with K

In the US American language room, most "K" sounds actually begin with a "C", like cat, crying, cozy, etc.
The names beginning with K are mostly European sounding ones, with a few odd additions of course from all over the world.
Enjoy the following collection of uncommon baby names beginning with K.
Uncommon baby girl names starting with K
- Kacey
- Kacie
- Kai
- Kaitlin
- Kala
- Kaley
- Kallie
- Kam
- Kami
- Kandace
- Kandice
- Kandra
- Kanesha
- Kara
- Kareen
- Karena
- Kari
- Karima
- Karina
- Karisa
- Karl
- Karleen
- Karly
- Karma
- Karol
- Karoline
- Karon
- Karri
- Karry
- Karyl
- Kasandra
- Kasha
- Kasie
- Kassie
- Katelin
- Katelynn
- Kathaleen
- Katharine
- Kathe
- Katherin
- Katherine
- Katheryn
- Kathi
- Kathleen
- Kathline
- Kathrin
- Kathryn
- Kathy
- Kati
- Katie
- Katlyn
- Katrina
- Katy
- Kayce
- Kaye
- Kaylee
- Kayleigh
- Kazuko
- Keeley
- Keena
- Keiko
- Keira
- Keith
- Keli
- Kellee
- Kelli
- Kelly
- Kelsey
- Kelsie
- Kena
- Kendal
- Kendra
- Kenisha
- Kenneth
- Kenyatta
- Kera
- Keri
- Kerrie
- Kerstin
- Keshia
- Keva
- Khadijah
- Kia
- Kiara
- Kiersten
- Kiley
- Kimber
- Kimberlee
- Kimberli
- Kimberly
- Kimbra
- Kimiko
- Kindra
- Kirby
- Kirstie
- Kisha
- Kittie
- Kiyoko
- Kizzy
- Kori
- Kourtney
- Krishna
- Krista
- Kristan
- Kristel
- Kristi
- Kristie
- Kristina
- Kristle
- Kristyn
- Krystal
- Krystin
- Krystle
- Kum
- Kyle
- Kylie
- Kymberly
- Kyong
- Kyung
Do you think that you've found the perfect name yet? Or are you still looking for a better name? It's understandable if you're still unsure about your preliminary choices. Talk it over with your partner, try to think about the future of your child and how she will feel with a name that starts with the letter K.
Your unborn child will thank you a thousand times for not going the easy route. Just look at the names again: Kandice, Kena, Kia, Kristina with a K, those are all beautiful names for a baby, especially in the 21st century. Many other choices would be fine as well, Kirby sounds fun, so does Karina.
If you want more name ideas, keep browsing our blog. You'll find what you're looking for sooner or later. Be patient and try to concentrate on the wellbeing of your baby girl. The name is often the starting point in the life of a baby. Try to keep that in mind. Names are not just letters in the alphabet, they have a meaning, they convey a certain feeling. Good luck!