Cute baby girl names that begin with E

Finding a cute name for your baby girl is a fun journey and it's better to go prepared. The following list of baby names might inspire you or tell you where to look next, maybe another starting letter, or just another direction in your quest for the cutest name.
Make time to really read the following list from top to bottom, the names available with E might just surprise you. Positively, of course. And if you're stuck and don't seem to find another idea for a good baby name, try a name generator made for this purpose:
Sweet baby girl names starting with E
- Earlean
- Earlene
- Earline
- Eartha
- Eboni
- Ebony
- Eda
- Eddie
- Eden
- Edith
- Edra
- Edward
- Edyth
- Effie
- Eileen
- Ela
- Elaina
- Elana
- Elanor
- Elba
- Eldora
- Eleanora
- Elease
- Elene
- Elenor
- Elenore
- Eleonora
- Elfreda
- Elfriede
- Eliana
- Elida
- Elin
- Elinor
- Elisa
- Elise
- Elissa
- Eliza
- Elizabeth
- Elizebeth
- Ella
- Ellan
- Ellena
- Ellie
- Elly
- Elma
- Elmira
- Elnora
- Elois
- Eloise
- Elsa
- Elsie
- Elva
- Elvia
- Elvina
- Elwanda
- Elza
- Emelda
- Emelina
- Emely
- Emerita
- Emilee
- Emilie
- Emma
- Emmie
- Emogene
- Enda
- Eneida
- Enola
- Epifania
- Eric
- Ericka
- Erin
- Erlene
- Erline
- Ermelinda
- Erna
- Ernestine
- Esmeralda
- Essie
- Estefana
- Estell
- Estelle
- Esther
- Etha
- Ethelene
- Ethyl
- Etta
- Eufemia
- Eugene
- Eugenie
- Eulah
- Eun
- Eunice
- Eusebia
- Eva
- Evan
- Evangeline
- Evelia
- Evelina
- Evelyn
- Evelynn
- Evia
- Evita
- Evonne
- Exie
The perfect name will come to you eventually, even if you doubt it right now. Be patient, and realize how important this task of giving a name to a living creature really is. Thank you for being kind and compassionate in your quest. You'll succeed and your baby will thank you for being patient. The best names are those that just come to you, maybe in a dream, or while chit-chatting with a good friend, or while watching a movie, listening to a song — there are many possibilities and rest assured: literally millions of parents have taken on this task and found a cute baby girl name that begins with E.