Pretty baby girl names that start with L

Below we've collected almost 200 unique names for your baby girl. Finding pretty baby girl names that start with L are not hard to find; the list with name ideas that follows, proves this easily.

Beginning with Lachelle, and ending with Lynsey, this list contains many examples of creative baby name choices.

There is a reason behind your search for names starting with L, the sound of names beginning with that letter is pleasant, soft, and appropriate for a baby girl.

Have fun with the following list. If you're on Reddit, you could join our subreddit as well:

Pretty baby girl names starting with L

  1. Lachelle
  2. Lacie
  3. Lacy
  4. Ladonna
  5. Lael
  6. Lai
  7. Laine
  8. Lakeesha
  9. Lakendra
  10. Lakesha
  11. Lakia
  12. Lakisha
  13. Lala
  14. Lan
  15. Lane
  16. Lanelle
  17. Lang
  18. Lanie
  19. Lannie
  20. Laquanda
  21. Lara
  22. Laraine
  23. Larhonda
  24. Larissa
  25. Laronda
  26. Larry
  27. Lasandra
  28. Lashandra
  29. Lashaunda
  30. Lashawna
  31. Lashay
  32. Lashon
  33. Lashunda
  34. Latanya
  35. Latasha
  36. Latesha
  37. Laticia
  38. Latisha
  39. Latonya
  40. Latosha
  41. Latoyia
  42. Latricia
  43. Latrisha
  44. Laura
  45. Lauran
  46. Laureen
  47. Lauren
  48. Laurence
  49. Lauretta
  50. Lauri
  51. Laurie
  52. Laurine
  53. Lavada
  54. Lavenia
  55. Lavern
  56. Laverne
  57. Lavette
  58. Lavinia
  59. Lavona
  60. Lavone
  61. Lavonna
  62. Lawana
  63. Lawanna
  64. Layla
  65. Le
  66. Leah
  67. Leana
  68. Leann
  69. Leanne
  70. Leatha
  71. Lecia
  72. Lee
  73. Leeanna
  74. Leena
  75. Leia
  76. Leigh
  77. Leighann
  78. Leilani
  79. Leisha
  80. Lela
  81. Lelia
  82. Lenita
  83. Lennie
  84. Lenore
  85. Leola
  86. Leon
  87. Leonarda
  88. Leonia
  89. Leonie
  90. Leonor
  91. Leonore
  92. Leora
  93. Lera
  94. Lesha
  95. Leslee
  96. Lesli
  97. Lessie
  98. Leta
  99. Leticia
  100. Letitia
  101. Letty
  102. Lexie
  103. Li
  104. Liana
  105. Lianne
  106. Libby
  107. Librada
  108. Lidia
  109. Lieselotte
  110. Lila
  111. Lilia
  112. Liliana
  113. Lilli
  114. Lilliam
  115. Lilliana
  116. Lilly
  117. Lin
  118. Linda
  119. Lindsey
  120. Lindy
  121. Ling
  122. Linn
  123. Linnie
  124. Lisa
  125. Lisandra
  126. Lise
  127. Lisha
  128. Lissette
  129. Livia
  130. Liza
  131. Lizbeth
  132. Lizette
  133. Lizzie
  134. Logan
  135. Lois
  136. Lola
  137. Loma
  138. Londa
  139. Lonna
  140. Lora
  141. Loralee
  142. Lorean
  143. Loreen
  144. Loren
  145. Lorene
  146. Loreta
  147. Lorette
  148. Loria
  149. Lorie
  150. Lorina
  151. Lorine
  152. Lorita
  153. Lorraine
  154. Lorri
  155. Lorrie
  156. Lory
  157. Lou
  158. Louanne
  159. Louetta
  160. Louis
  161. Louise
  162. Lourdes
  163. Louvenia
  164. Lovella
  165. Lovie
  166. Lu
  167. Luann
  168. Luanne
  169. Luci
  170. Luciana
  171. Lucienne
  172. Lucile
  173. Lucille
  174. Lucinda
  175. Lucretia
  176. Ludie
  177. Lue
  178. Luetta
  179. Luisa
  180. Lula
  181. Luna
  182. Lupita
  183. Lurlene
  184. Luvenia
  185. Lyda
  186. Lyla
  187. Lynda
  188. Lyndsay
  189. Lynell
  190. Lynetta
  191. Lynn
  192. Lynne
  193. Lynsey
We've found a lot of really pretty baby girl names here, hopefully you share our admiration of the above list of baby name ideas. Our favorites among those names are Lala, Lorette, Lovella, and Luna. Those are very beautiful choices for a beautiful baby girl.

If you're still unsure about the letter L, maybe you can find a totally different kind of inspiration by using a baby name generator. Try it, it's fun.

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