Pretty baby girl names that start with L
Below we've collected almost 200 unique names for your baby girl. Finding pretty baby girl names that start with L are not hard to find; the list with name ideas that follows, proves this easily.
Beginning with Lachelle, and ending with Lynsey, this list contains many examples of creative baby name choices.
There is a reason behind your search for names starting with L, the sound of names beginning with that letter is pleasant, soft, and appropriate for a baby girl.
Have fun with the following list. If you're on Reddit, you could join our subreddit as well:
If you're still unsure about the letter L, maybe you can find a totally different kind of inspiration by using a baby name generator. Try it, it's fun.
Beginning with Lachelle, and ending with Lynsey, this list contains many examples of creative baby name choices.
There is a reason behind your search for names starting with L, the sound of names beginning with that letter is pleasant, soft, and appropriate for a baby girl.
Have fun with the following list. If you're on Reddit, you could join our subreddit as well:
Pretty baby girl names starting with L
- Lachelle
- Lacie
- Lacy
- Ladonna
- Lael
- Lai
- Laine
- Lakeesha
- Lakendra
- Lakesha
- Lakia
- Lakisha
- Lala
- Lan
- Lane
- Lanelle
- Lang
- Lanie
- Lannie
- Laquanda
- Lara
- Laraine
- Larhonda
- Larissa
- Laronda
- Larry
- Lasandra
- Lashandra
- Lashaunda
- Lashawna
- Lashay
- Lashon
- Lashunda
- Latanya
- Latasha
- Latesha
- Laticia
- Latisha
- Latonya
- Latosha
- Latoyia
- Latricia
- Latrisha
- Laura
- Lauran
- Laureen
- Lauren
- Laurence
- Lauretta
- Lauri
- Laurie
- Laurine
- Lavada
- Lavenia
- Lavern
- Laverne
- Lavette
- Lavinia
- Lavona
- Lavone
- Lavonna
- Lawana
- Lawanna
- Layla
- Le
- Leah
- Leana
- Leann
- Leanne
- Leatha
- Lecia
- Lee
- Leeanna
- Leena
- Leia
- Leigh
- Leighann
- Leilani
- Leisha
- Lela
- Lelia
- Lenita
- Lennie
- Lenore
- Leola
- Leon
- Leonarda
- Leonia
- Leonie
- Leonor
- Leonore
- Leora
- Lera
- Lesha
- Leslee
- Lesli
- Lessie
- Leta
- Leticia
- Letitia
- Letty
- Lexie
- Li
- Liana
- Lianne
- Libby
- Librada
- Lidia
- Lieselotte
- Lila
- Lilia
- Liliana
- Lilli
- Lilliam
- Lilliana
- Lilly
- Lin
- Linda
- Lindsey
- Lindy
- Ling
- Linn
- Linnie
- Lisa
- Lisandra
- Lise
- Lisha
- Lissette
- Livia
- Liza
- Lizbeth
- Lizette
- Lizzie
- Logan
- Lois
- Lola
- Loma
- Londa
- Lonna
- Lora
- Loralee
- Lorean
- Loreen
- Loren
- Lorene
- Loreta
- Lorette
- Loria
- Lorie
- Lorina
- Lorine
- Lorita
- Lorraine
- Lorri
- Lorrie
- Lory
- Lou
- Louanne
- Louetta
- Louis
- Louise
- Lourdes
- Louvenia
- Lovella
- Lovie
- Lu
- Luann
- Luanne
- Luci
- Luciana
- Lucienne
- Lucile
- Lucille
- Lucinda
- Lucretia
- Ludie
- Lue
- Luetta
- Luisa
- Lula
- Luna
- Lupita
- Lurlene
- Luvenia
- Lyda
- Lyla
- Lynda
- Lyndsay
- Lynell
- Lynetta
- Lynn
- Lynne
- Lynsey
If you're still unsure about the letter L, maybe you can find a totally different kind of inspiration by using a baby name generator. Try it, it's fun.