Unique baby girl names that start with C

Of course, the amount of variations and names sounding similar is pretty huge, but you can always add something special to it, maybe by adding a middle name or at least initials.
Unique baby names beginning with C can be viewed below; please make sure to take your time to evaluate all the names equally. If you're unsure about a name for your baby girl, just add it to your list and talk it over with your partner!
Unique baby girl names starting with C
- Caitlin
- Calandra
- Callie
- Camellia
- Cami
- Camila
- Camille
- Cammy
- Candance
- Candi
- Candida
- Candis
- Candy
- Caprice
- Caren
- Cari
- Carie
- Carina
- Carissa
- Carl
- Carlee
- Carlena
- Carletta
- Carli
- Carline
- Carlos
- Carlotta
- Carlyn
- Carman
- Carmela
- Carmelina
- Carmella
- Carmina
- Carol
- Carolann
- Carolee
- Carolina
- Caroll
- Carolyne
- Caron
- Carri
- Carrol
- Carry
- Caryl
- Caryn
- Casey
- Casimira
- Cassaundra
- Cassi
- Cassie
- Cassy
- Catarina
- Catharine
- Catherina
- Cathern
- Cathey
- Cathie
- Cathrine
- Cathy
- Catrice
- Cayla
- Cecil
- Cecile
- Cecille
- Celena
- Celeste
- Celestine
- Celina
- Celine
- Ceola
- Chan
- Chanda
- Chanel
- Chanelle
- Chantal
- Chante
- Chantell
- Chara
- Charise
- Charisse
- Charity
- Charleen
- Charlene
- Charlesetta
- Charlie
- Charlott
- Charlsie
- Charmain
- Charolette
- Chasity
- Chastity
- Chaya
- Chelsey
- Cher
- Cheree
- Cheri
- Cherilyn
- Cherish
- Cherlyn
- Cherrie
- Cherryl
- Cheryl
- Cheryll
- Chi
- Chieko
- China
- Chiquita
- Chong
- Chrissy
- Christal
- Christel
- Christena
- Christi
- Christian
- Christiane
- Christin
- Christine
- Christopher
- Chrystal
- Chun
- Ciara
- Ciera
- Cinda
- Cindi
- Cindy
- Cira
- Claire
- Clare
- Claretha
- Claribel
- Clarinda
- Claris
- Clarissa
- Classie
- Claudette
- Claudie
- Clelia
- Clementina
- Clemmie
- Cleopatra
- Cleotilde
- Clora
- Clotilde
- Codi
- Colby
- Colene
- Colette
- Collen
- Collette
- Conception
- Concha
- Connie
- Consuela
- Contessa
- Coral
- Coralie
- Cordelia
- Cordie
- Corene
- Corey
- Corie
- Corine
- Corinne
- Cornelia
- Corrin
- Corrine
- Cortney
- Courtney
- Cris
- Crissy
- Cristal
- Cristi
- Cristin
- Cristine
- Cruz
- Crystal
- Cuc
- Cyndi
- Cynthia
- Cythia
If you feel like you can't find a good name for your baby girl that starts with C, we have literally thousands of other names prepared for you. Browse our blog and you'll find loads of opportunities to give your baby the name that he or she really deserves.
For impatient couples who cannot decide on a name, we suggest trying out a baby name generator, e.g. https://frjk.de/baby-name-generator/
Most of the names above (and all other names on our website) have been created with the app. But you can always do it the 'old school' way and just look through lists as if your life depends on it. You'll eventually find a unique name starting with C, or maybe beginning with one of the remaining letters of the alphabet.