Unique baby girl names that start with C

cute baby sleepingMost parents don't realize how many unique baby girl names exist with the first letter C. There are literally hundreds of names possible, the following list can guide you through it and serve as a starting point for your search for a good baby name.

Of course, the amount of variations and names sounding similar is pretty huge, but you can always add something special to it, maybe by adding a middle name or at least initials.

Unique baby names beginning with C can be viewed below; please make sure to take your time to evaluate all the names equally. If you're unsure about a name for your baby girl, just add it to your list and talk it over with your partner!

Unique baby girl names starting with C

  1. Caitlin
  2. Calandra
  3. Callie
  4. Camellia
  5. Cami
  6. Camila
  7. Camille
  8. Cammy
  9. Candance
  10. Candi
  11. Candida
  12. Candis
  13. Candy
  14. Caprice
  15. Caren
  16. Cari
  17. Carie
  18. Carina
  19. Carissa
  20. Carl
  21. Carlee
  22. Carlena
  23. Carletta
  24. Carli
  25. Carline
  26. Carlos
  27. Carlotta
  28. Carlyn
  29. Carman
  30. Carmela
  31. Carmelina
  32. Carmella
  33. Carmina
  34. Carol
  35. Carolann
  36. Carolee
  37. Carolina
  38. Caroll
  39. Carolyne
  40. Caron
  41. Carri
  42. Carrol
  43. Carry
  44. Caryl
  45. Caryn
  46. Casey
  47. Casimira
  48. Cassaundra
  49. Cassi
  50. Cassie
  51. Cassy
  52. Catarina
  53. Catharine
  54. Catherina
  55. Cathern
  56. Cathey
  57. Cathie
  58. Cathrine
  59. Cathy
  60. Catrice
  61. Cayla
  62. Cecil
  63. Cecile
  64. Cecille
  65. Celena
  66. Celeste
  67. Celestine
  68. Celina
  69. Celine
  70. Ceola
  71. Chan
  72. Chanda
  73. Chanel
  74. Chanelle
  75. Chantal
  76. Chante
  77. Chantell
  78. Chara
  79. Charise
  80. Charisse
  81. Charity
  82. Charleen
  83. Charlene
  84. Charlesetta
  85. Charlie
  86. Charlott
  87. Charlsie
  88. Charmain
  89. Charolette
  90. Chasity
  91. Chastity
  92. Chaya
  93. Chelsey
  94. Cher
  95. Cheree
  96. Cheri
  97. Cherilyn
  98. Cherish
  99. Cherlyn
  100. Cherrie
  101. Cherryl
  102. Cheryl
  103. Cheryll
  104. Chi
  105. Chieko
  106. China
  107. Chiquita
  108. Chong
  109. Chrissy
  110. Christal
  111. Christel
  112. Christena
  113. Christi
  114. Christian
  115. Christiane
  116. Christin
  117. Christine
  118. Christopher
  119. Chrystal
  120. Chun
  121. Ciara
  122. Ciera
  123. Cinda
  124. Cindi
  125. Cindy
  126. Cira
  127. Claire
  128. Clare
  129. Claretha
  130. Claribel
  131. Clarinda
  132. Claris
  133. Clarissa
  134. Classie
  135. Claudette
  136. Claudie
  137. Clelia
  138. Clementina
  139. Clemmie
  140. Cleopatra
  141. Cleotilde
  142. Clora
  143. Clotilde
  144. Codi
  145. Colby
  146. Colene
  147. Colette
  148. Collen
  149. Collette
  150. Conception
  151. Concha
  152. Connie
  153. Consuela
  154. Contessa
  155. Coral
  156. Coralie
  157. Cordelia
  158. Cordie
  159. Corene
  160. Corey
  161. Corie
  162. Corine
  163. Corinne
  164. Cornelia
  165. Corrin
  166. Corrine
  167. Cortney
  168. Courtney
  169. Cris
  170. Crissy
  171. Cristal
  172. Cristi
  173. Cristin
  174. Cristine
  175. Cruz
  176. Crystal
  177. Cuc
  178. Cyndi
  179. Cynthia
  180. Cythia
If you went through the list thoroughly, you might have seen names like Cleopatra, Coltilde, or Crystal. Those are really, REALLY, crazy choices, but crazy doesn't have to be bad, or does it?

If you feel like you can't find a good name for your baby girl that starts with C, we have literally thousands of other names prepared for you. Browse our blog and you'll find loads of opportunities to give your baby the name that he or she really deserves.

For impatient couples who cannot decide on a name, we suggest trying out a baby name generator, e.g. https://frjk.de/baby-name-generator/

Most of the names above (and all other names on our website) have been created with the app. But you can always do it the 'old school' way and just look through lists as if your life depends on it. You'll eventually find a unique name starting with C, or maybe beginning with one of the remaining letters of the alphabet.

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