Unusual baby girl names starting with B
Not all names are equal and the really unusual baby names that start with B may be hard to find without a proper list. Especially for baby girl names since the variation is sometimes more limited with female names.
The following list of unusual baby girl names will help you find the cutest name imaginable, just try it. If you're smart (and I bet you are), you'll get your baby name ideas from a site like this or you use a baby name generator. Yes, these things do actually exist, and they'll make your life much easier.
Searching for a good baby name can be exhausting. Just ask your own parents how they settled for your name. Chances are, it's a long story ;-)
It's actually not too hard to find unusual baby girl names that start with B. There are lots of variations, e.g. Betty, Elizabeth, etc.
Some names are truly unique without any real variations, including Buffy, or Beryl, or Bambi. You can find more like this if you keep looking around in our blog. Many readers have reported that they found unusual baby names with our help. Hopefully, we'll be able to help you as well. Good luck with finding a unique name for your baby girl.
The following list of unusual baby girl names will help you find the cutest name imaginable, just try it. If you're smart (and I bet you are), you'll get your baby name ideas from a site like this or you use a baby name generator. Yes, these things do actually exist, and they'll make your life much easier.
Searching for a good baby name can be exhausting. Just ask your own parents how they settled for your name. Chances are, it's a long story ;-)
Baby girl names that start with B
- Babara
- Babette
- Bailey
- Bambi
- Bao
- Barabara
- Barb
- Barbar
- Barbara
- Barbera
- Barbie
- Barbra
- Bari
- Barrie
- Basilia
- Bea
- Beata
- Beatrice
- Beatris
- Beatriz
- Beaulah
- Bebe
- Becki
- Beckie
- Becky
- Bee
- Belen
- Belia
- Belinda
- Belkis
- Bell
- Bella
- Belle
- Belva
- Benita
- Bennie
- Berenice
- Berna
- Bernadette
- Bernadine
- Bernarda
- Bernardina
- Bernardine
- Berneice
- Bernetta
- Bernice
- Bernie
- Berniece
- Bernita
- Berry
- Berta
- Bertha
- Bertie
- Beryl
- Bess
- Bessie
- Beth
- Bethanie
- Bethann
- Bethany
- Bethel
- Betsey
- Betsy
- Bette
- Bettie
- Bettina
- Betty
- Bettyann
- Bettye
- Beula
- Beulah
- Bev
- Beverlee
- Beverley
- Beverly
- Bianca
- Bibi
- Billi
- Billie
- Billy
- Billye
- Birdie
- Birgit
- Blair
- Blake
- Blanca
- Blanch
- Blanche
- Blondell
- Blossom
- Blythe
- Bobbi
- Bobbie
- Bobby
- Bobbye
- Bobette
- Bok
- Bong
- Bonita
- Bonnie
- Bonny
- Branda
- Brande
- Brandee
- Brandi
- Brandie
- Brandon
- Brandy
- Breana
- Breann
- Breanna
- Breanne
- Bree
- Brenda
- Brenna
- Brett
- Brian
- Briana
- Brianna
- Brianne
- Bridget
- Bridgett
- Bridgette
- Brigette
- Brigid
- Brigida
- Brigitte
- Brinda
- Britany
- Britney
- Britni
- Britt
- Britta
- Brittaney
- Brittani
- Brittanie
- Brittany
- Britteny
- Brittney
- Brittni
- Brittny
- Bronwyn
- Brook
- Brooke
- Bruna
- Brunilda
- Bryanna
- Brynn
- Buena
- Buffy
- Bula
- Bulah
- Bunny
- Burma
It's actually not too hard to find unusual baby girl names that start with B. There are lots of variations, e.g. Betty, Elizabeth, etc.
Some names are truly unique without any real variations, including Buffy, or Beryl, or Bambi. You can find more like this if you keep looking around in our blog. Many readers have reported that they found unusual baby names with our help. Hopefully, we'll be able to help you as well. Good luck with finding a unique name for your baby girl.