Unusual baby girl names starting with B

Baby girl with pacifierNot all names are equal and the really unusual baby names that start with B may be hard to find without a proper list. Especially for baby girl names since the variation is sometimes more limited with female names.

The following list of unusual baby girl names will help you find the cutest name imaginable, just try it. If you're smart (and I bet you are), you'll get your baby name ideas from a site like this or you use a baby name generator. Yes, these things do actually exist, and they'll make your life much easier.

Searching for a good baby name can be exhausting. Just ask your own parents how they settled for your name. Chances are, it's a long story ;-)

Baby girl names that start with B

  1. Babara
  2. Babette
  3. Bailey
  4. Bambi
  5. Bao
  6. Barabara
  7. Barb
  8. Barbar
  9. Barbara
  10. Barbera
  11. Barbie
  12. Barbra
  13. Bari
  14. Barrie
  15. Basilia
  16. Bea
  17. Beata
  18. Beatrice
  19. Beatris
  20. Beatriz
  21. Beaulah
  22. Bebe
  23. Becki
  24. Beckie
  25. Becky
  26. Bee
  27. Belen
  28. Belia
  29. Belinda
  30. Belkis
  31. Bell
  32. Bella
  33. Belle
  34. Belva
  35. Benita
  36. Bennie
  37. Berenice
  38. Berna
  39. Bernadette
  40. Bernadine
  41. Bernarda
  42. Bernardina
  43. Bernardine
  44. Berneice
  45. Bernetta
  46. Bernice
  47. Bernie
  48. Berniece
  49. Bernita
  50. Berry
  51. Berta
  52. Bertha
  53. Bertie
  54. Beryl
  55. Bess
  56. Bessie
  57. Beth
  58. Bethanie
  59. Bethann
  60. Bethany
  61. Bethel
  62. Betsey
  63. Betsy
  64. Bette
  65. Bettie
  66. Bettina
  67. Betty
  68. Bettyann
  69. Bettye
  70. Beula
  71. Beulah
  72. Bev
  73. Beverlee
  74. Beverley
  75. Beverly
  76. Bianca
  77. Bibi
  78. Billi
  79. Billie
  80. Billy
  81. Billye
  82. Birdie
  83. Birgit
  84. Blair
  85. Blake
  86. Blanca
  87. Blanch
  88. Blanche
  89. Blondell
  90. Blossom
  91. Blythe
  92. Bobbi
  93. Bobbie
  94. Bobby
  95. Bobbye
  96. Bobette
  97. Bok
  98. Bong
  99. Bonita
  100. Bonnie
  101. Bonny
  102. Branda
  103. Brande
  104. Brandee
  105. Brandi
  106. Brandie
  107. Brandon
  108. Brandy
  109. Breana
  110. Breann
  111. Breanna
  112. Breanne
  113. Bree
  114. Brenda
  115. Brenna
  116. Brett
  117. Brian
  118. Briana
  119. Brianna
  120. Brianne
  121. Bridget
  122. Bridgett
  123. Bridgette
  124. Brigette
  125. Brigid
  126. Brigida
  127. Brigitte
  128. Brinda
  129. Britany
  130. Britney
  131. Britni
  132. Britt
  133. Britta
  134. Brittaney
  135. Brittani
  136. Brittanie
  137. Brittany
  138. Britteny
  139. Brittney
  140. Brittni
  141. Brittny
  142. Bronwyn
  143. Brook
  144. Brooke
  145. Bruna
  146. Brunilda
  147. Bryanna
  148. Brynn
  149. Buena
  150. Buffy
  151. Bula
  152. Bulah
  153. Bunny
  154. Burma
Filtering these lists is not really a fun task but you can make it easier if you do it with someone else. Naming your baby girl is a team effort, after all.

It's actually not too hard to find unusual baby girl names that start with B. There are lots of variations, e.g. Betty, Elizabeth, etc.

Some names are truly unique without any real variations, including Buffy, or Beryl, or Bambi. You can find more like this if you keep looking around in our blog. Many readers have reported that they found unusual baby names with our help. Hopefully, we'll be able to help you as well. Good luck with finding a unique name for your baby girl.

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